Some of the highlighted current immune biomarker technologies at

Some of the highlighted current immune biomarker technologies at the workshop included the following: Epimax: an unbiased technology for the identification of new T1D epitopes and the assessment of antigen-specific T cell repertoires [15]. Serum-driven transcription profiling to characterize longitudinal changes in inflammatory characteristics of disease over time [16]. T cell transcriptome profiling as prognostic markers of disease onset/relapse [17]. Whole blood transcriptome fingerprinting as

a measure of disease severity [18]. Nucleic Acid Programmable Protein Assay (NAPPA) technology platform for profiling autoantibodies in new-onset or prediabetic patient sera [19]. Detection of β cell-specific methylated DNA in peripheral blood to serve as a predictive or staging marker [20]. Disappearance of peripheral blood anergic B cells as an early biomarker of T1D risk [21]. A microengraving see more technology for the detection find protocol of secreted cytokines and antibodies from peripheral blood mononuclear cells [22, 23]. A proposed standardizing method for lymphocyte extractions from blood [24]. It was noted that technology platforms that remain underutilized in T1D biomarker studies include single-cell assay methods such as flow cytometry or mass spectrometry, and other recent microfluidics technologies, such

as single-cell mass cytometry (CyTOF) [25]. These technologies allow scaling of assay platforms to high-throughput levels. To this end, liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry-based proteomics approaches Metabolism inhibitor to yield prognostic or early diagnostic biomarkers, including a sophisticated mix of shotgun, differential [26, 27] or targeted approaches, were presented [28] at the workshop. These methodologies utilize very low sample volumes and can provide precise, reproducible measurement of either known (targeted) or all (shotgun, differential) peptides or metabolites present, are potentially scalable and are increasingly accessible to less specialized academic and clinical laboratories. However, at present these technologies require considerable expertise, have a comparatively limited dynamic range, can handle a ‘medium’

sample throughput (∼300 per week) and can struggle with labile metabolites, leaving room for improvement. An early-stage assay involving two-dimensional gel electrophoresis/mass spectrometry to screen for inflammatory and metabolic markers with greatest longitudinal changes in T1D was presented at the meeting [29], which awaits further development and validation. While various T1D-specific biorepositories and living biobanks exist, to date no concerted and consolidated effort has emerged to couple new assays and technologies with such sample resources with the goal of establishing and validating a robust set of clinically implementable biomarkers that can be applied to disease staging, prediction, as well as response to therapy.

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