[3] Thereafter, many studies have been performed to reveal the contribution of innate immunity to the pathology of PBC,[4-7] whereas the site of excess IgM production remained unknown. The IgM memory B cells are generated in the spleen. Namely, the naive B cells that are generated in bone marrow first enter the spleen through blood flow and subsequently enter the white pulp through the periarteriolar lymphoid sheath (PALS). They are stimulated by antigen presentation and co-stimulation by the dendritic cells and the T cells in lymph follicles of the white pulp, exhibit somatic hypermutation, and then differentiate into BMS-777607 datasheet the switched memory B cells that express IgG on the
cell surface and IgM memory B cells that actively produce high-affinity IgM.[8, 9] Circulating innate immune factors stimulate IgM memory B cells to proliferate.[10] For instance, pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide stimulates the proliferation of IgM B cells and increases IgM production in the
spleen.[11] Surgical removal of the spleen causes reduction in the number of the circulating IgM-producing B cells, and could cause overwhelming post-splenectomy infection.[11] Thus, we hypothesized that circulating pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMP) stimulate IgM memory B cells to proliferate in the spleen in PBC and produce excess IgM, and conducted the present immunohistochemical study. FORMALIN-FIXED during SPLENIC tissue samples were collected at the time of the autopsy from PBC patients with hepatic failure. click here All the participants,
including family members of deceased patients, provided written informed consent in full compliance with institutional regulations. Mean blood IgM level of eight PBC cases (six women and two men, mean age of 74.5 years old, and four cases of stage III and four cases of stage IV according to Scheuer’s classification) was 284.6 ± 87.9 mg/dL. All the patients were positive for antimitochondrial autoantibody and administrated 600 mg/day ursodeoxycholic acid. In positive controls, splenic tissue samples were obtained at the time of the surgery to remove gastric cancer. Splenic tissues from eight autopsy cases of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection with hepatic failure (six women and two men, mean age of 75.8 years old) were used as controls. Additionally, 10 liver biopsy samples from PBC were used as extrasplenic controls. Paraffin-embedded 4-μm splenic and liver tissue sections were stained with mouse monoclonal antihuman IgM antibody (DAKO, Glostrup, Denmark) and mouse monoclonal antihuman CD21 antibody (Nichirei, Tokyo, Japan) for identification of the follicular dendritic cell (FDC) network in lymph follicles, and goat polyclonal anti-CXCL13 antibody (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN, USA) as a chemokine related to B-cell homing and differentiation.