81, MSE = 7758.64, p = .11. The cost asymmetry during the first half of 165 ms is reduced to 95 ms for the second half, but remains reliable throughout, all Fs > 17.2. In principle it is possible that the large cost asymmetry we observed in the exo/endo condition arises not from the competition between the exogenous and the endogenous task, but instead results from the switch between the math task and either of the two primary tasks.
If this were the case then we should see a similar cost asymmetry even when comparing the pure exo and the pure endo control conditions. As Fig. 3 indicates, this Dolutegravir is clearly not the case. While there may be a small cost asymmetry for the control condition, it is by an order of magnitude smaller than for the exo/endo condition. To validate this observation statistically, we compared
the exogenous-task condition from the exo/endo group with the pure exogenous, single-task group and the endogenous-task condition from the exo/endo group with the pure endogenous, single-task group. For the exogenous task, the Group × Interruption × Conflict GPCR Compound Library supplier effect was reliable, F(1, 28) = 6.54, MSE = 3357.13, p < .02. As the figure shows, RTs were essentially identical for the maintenance trials, while for interruption trials RTs were generally increased and there was a substantial conflict effect for the exo/endo condition. For the endogenous-task trials, the only reliable effect involving the Group contrast, was a Group × Conflict interaction, F(1, 28) = 7.00, MSE = 2254.34, p < .02, indicating that generally, the conflict effect was larger in the exo/endo than in the pure-endo condition. Finally, we also checked whether within the two single-task conditions there was any indication of a cost asymmetry. However the Task (which is here a between-subject variable) × Interruption interaction was far from reliable, F(1, 18) = .13, nor was the three-way interaction that also included the Conflict factor, F(1, 18) = .32.
Thus, clearly the large cost asymmetry observed in the exo/endo condition results from the fact that two competing primary tasks occur within the same context and is not a simply consequence of most switching between the math and either of the primary tasks. The exogenous-task condition proved particularly susceptible to the combined effect of interruptions and experience with the alternate task. An important follow-up question is to what degree it is the experience with the alternate task itself that is responsible for this pattern or whether the interfering LTM traces are particularly potent when encoded during a conflict situation. The latter pattern would be consistent with the idea that conflict boosts encoding of LTM traces. To examine this question, we had included the exo/endo–noconflict condition in which the endogenous task blocks were presented exclusively without exogenous conflict. As Fig.