The spike generation threshold (dotted line, Figure 5E,F) was constrained such that the orientation selectivity and tuning sharpness of spikes matched experimentally measured Pyr cell spike tuning properties (modeled suprathreshold Raf activity OSI = 0.7 and HWHH = 24 deg; Figure 5F, black trace). To test the impact of PV cell suppression on model
Pyr cell responses, we decreased the inhibitory conductance by 10%, as experimentally determined. Notably, this reduction in inhibition not only resulted in a substantial increase in the modeled spiking response (∼50%) but did so in a manner that was strikingly consistent with the experimentally observed linear transformation—i.e., a small decrease in OSI (ΔOSI = 0.08) and no impact on tuning sharpness (ΔHWHH < 2 degrees; Figure 5F, Inset). The model robustly accounted for the transformation of Pyr cells over the wide range of Pyr cell orientation selectivity (Figure S3). Thus, this conductance-based model provides insight into how even slight changes in PV cell-mediated inhibition can lead to robust changes in response of Pyr cells to visual stimuli without having a major impact on their tuning properties. By manipulating the activity of PV cells bidirectionally we have determined that while these neurons minimally affect tuning properties, they have profound impact on the response of cortex to stimuli
at all contrasts and orientations. We identified a specific and basic computation contributed
by these neurons found during cortical visual processing: a linear transformation of Pyr cell responses, CHIR 99021 both additive and multiplicative. This linear transformation of course operates in the presence of a threshold, as firing rates cannot be reduced below zero. The bidirectional control of PV cells during visual stimulation has also allowed us to demonstrate the consistency of this transformation over a range of PV cell activity levels, from ∼20% below to 40% above control levels (Figure 2). While suppressing PV cell activity with Arch revealed their function under control conditions, increasing PV cell activity with ChR2 demonstrates their further potential for linearly transforming visual responses in layer 2/3 of the cortex. Finally we showed, using in vivo whole-cell recordings, that the robust changes caused by PV cell perturbation on visually evoked responses in Pyr cells result from relatively small modulations in synaptic inhibition. A conductance-based model provides a likely explanation for how this small yet systematic change in inhibition can lead not only to the observed change in spiking response but also to the observed linear transformation. Because of their powerful effect on firing rate, minor effect on direction and orientation selectivity and no systematic effects on tuning sharpness, PV-expressing interneurons appear ideally suited to modulate response gain in layer 2/3 of visual cortex (Figure 4).