, 2012 and Perin et al , 2011) In particular, we account for the

, 2012 and Perin et al., 2011). In particular, we account for the presence of neocortical (S1, hindlimb area) excitatory (layer 4, L4, and layer

5, L5, pyramidal neurons) and inhibitory (L4 and L5 basket cells) neurons. We investigate the impact of slow (approximately 1 Hz) external activity impinging on neurons and its effect on the resulting LFP signature. Such rhythmic activity is relevant, for example, in the case of the most prominent of cortical processing, slow-wave activity (SWA, 0.1–1 Hz). Found in humans (Achermann and Borbély, 1997) and animals (Steriade et al., 1993a, Steriade et al., 1993b and Steriade et al., 1993c), SWA involves large areas of neocortex, along with various subcortical structures, that are synchronized into cyclical http://www.selleckchem.com/products/BIBW2992.html periods of global excitation followed by widespread silence. SWA is a defining characteristic of slow-wave, deep, or non-REM sleep but also occurs under anesthesia and in isolated cortical preparations. Neocortical cells discharge during the trough Trametinib of the LFP and remain silent during the peak of the LFP recorded from deep layers of cortex. Active and silent periods of this slow oscillation are referred to as UP (high conductance) and DOWN (low conductance) states. This robust neocortical oscillation coordinates various other rhythms, including spindles and delta waves (Steriade et al., 1993a, Steriade et al., 1993b and Steriade

et al., 1993c) and faster activity (Mukovski et al., 2007). Although we do not attempt to emulate the biophysical details of SWA involving a multitude of internal and external inputs, our large-scale, bottom-up biophysical model provides insights into the origin of the LFP signal, in the presence of active membrane conductances, realistic neural morphologies, and network connectivity patterns. Based on hundreds of morphologically and functionally reconstructed neurons (Druckmann et al., 2007 and Hay et al., 2011) (Figure S1 available online), the network model Resveratrol was built to capture many aspects of connectivity (Figure 1) (Hill et al., 2012, Oberlaender et al., 2012 and Perin et al., 2011). Neural membrane processing

of every compartment of every neuron is reflected in Ve by superposing membrane current contributions from each neural compartment using the line source approximation (Holt and Koch, 1999). That is, Ve at every location in extracellular space results from the linear summation of all membrane currents throughout the volume, scaled (to a first order inversely) by the distance to the current source (see the Experimental Procedures). In the present study, we focus on how the microscopic currents across each membrane sum to give rise to the macroscopic LFP signal and neglect any contributions that the LFP, in turn, might have on the voltage across each membrane (Anastassiou et al., 2010, Anastassiou et al., 2011 and Jefferys, 1995).

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