, 2010 and Smith et al., 2010). Confocal z stacks were collected for each RNAi clone. We used z projections to count 2° dendrites in each animal. The 2° dendrites were scored as PVD lateral branches that reached the location of either the dorsal or the ventral sublateral nerve cord ( Smith et al., 2010). Other defects in PVD development were also noted. A positive hit was defined as any RNAi clone that resulted in PVD defects in more than one animal in at least two replicates. The MI-773 price experimenter was blind to the identity of RNAi clones for all screens. Calcium transients generated by harsh touch and cold temperature were measured with optical recordings as previously
described (Chatzigeorgiou et al., 2010b) (see Supplemental Experimental
Procedures). For the glycerol experiments, animals were placed under the microscope in a perfusion chamber (RC-26GLP,Warner Instruments) under constant flow rate (0.4 ml/min) of “neuronal buffer” (100 mM NaCl, 1 mM MgSO4, 10 mM HEPES-NaOH [pH 7.1]) using a perfusion pencil (AutoMate). Outflow was regulated using a peristaltic pump (Econo Pump, Biorad). http://www.selleckchem.com/products/pd-0332991-palbociclib-isethionate.html Repellents were delivered with manually controlled valves. Glycerol was dissolved in M13 buffer (30 mM Tris-HCl [pH 7.0] 100 mM NaCl, 10 mM KCl) (Wood, 1988) to a final concentration of 1 M. We thank J. Powell-Coffman for pJ360 and ZG628 and O. Hobert for otIs181, otIs236, and advice. Some of the strains used in this work were provided by the C. elegans Genetics Center, which is supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Center for Research Resources. This work was supported by NIH Grants R01 NS26115, R01 NS079611, R21 N206882, and
U01 HG004263 to D.M.M.; NIH Grant F31 NS071801 to C.J.S.; and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Grants EXC115, GO1011/3-1, and GO1011/4-1 to A.G. S.J.H. was a Long-Term fellow of the Human Frontiers Science Program Organization. C.J.S., T.O., and D.M.M. designed experiments; C.J.S. and T.O. performed experiments with advice from D.M.M.; W.C.S. helped with microarray data out analysis; E.F.-L. helped with phenotypic analysis of ahr-1 and zag-1 strains and FISH experiments; M.C. and W.R.S. performed calcium imaging experiments; S.H. and S.M. generated deletion alleles of T24F1.4; S.J.H. and A.G. performed optogenetic experiments; and C.J.S., T.O., and D.M.M. wrote the paper with input from coauthors. “
“Circadian clocks are endogenous, self-sustained oscillators, which enable organisms to synchronize their molecular, cellular, and behavioral processes to daily environmental changes. The core timekeeping mechanism operates within individual cells and is comprised of multiple, interlocked transcriptional/translational feedback loops. In D.