A detailed examination of the literature reveals considerable het

A detailed examination of the literature reveals considerable heterogeneity in the phenotypic descriptions labelled as NDPH. The first effort in a patient with a NDPH presentation is to discern if secondary causes are present; some are obvious, such as subarachnoid bleeds and some can be more troublesome, such as syndromes of abnormal CSF pressure/volume, either high or low. A cohort of primary NDPH headaches can be seen in practice and in the literature and these should be sub-divided into a migrainous type, with appropriate phenotypic manifestations and a featureless type. Patients with any one of the NDPH presentations are best managed according to the more detailed

pathophysiology-based diagnosis then lumped together into a single group, since a single disorder is unlikely to exist. “
“Objective.— To assess the psychometric properties of a new patient-reported migraine instrument, the Completeness SCH772984 order of Response Survey (CORS), which measures a comprehensive set of factors

important to patients’ decisions regarding the initiation and continuation of treatment. Background.— Traditionally, migraine treatments and the instruments used to demonstrate their efficacy have focused on the relief of headache pain. As new treatments emerge with the potential for more complete and consistent migraine relief, more comprehensive tools are needed to demonstrate these benefits. The CORS includes 2 modules, the static CORS, which comprehensively evaluates one treatment at one time point, and the comparative CORS, which provides a more global comparison between 2 treatments at one time point. Together, Alvelestat in vitro the 2 modules can measure unmet treatment needs and improvements over the course of a clinical study. Methods.— Data from an 8-site study comparing 147 patients’ recent experiences with their current triptan therapy and 2 months of study treatment with a single-tablet formulation of sumatriptan/naproxen sodium were used to conduct a preliminary psychometric evaluation of the CORS. The study included

both modules of the CORS, the Headache Impact Test, the revised Patient Perception of Migraine Questionnaire, and a migraine diary. Results.— The CORS response categories find more in both the static and comparative modules demonstrated limited floor or ceiling effects and few missing values (<3%). Inter-item correlations, principal components analysis (component loading range: 0.62 to 0.95), and high estimates of internal consistency (alpha range: 0.88 to 0.94) for each composite score supported the structure and proposed scoring algorithm for the static module. The pattern of correlations between the CORS static and comparative items and composites with the revised Patient Perception of Migraine Questionnaire items and subscales, as well as the relationships between responses to selected static CORS items and the migraine diary, supported the construct validity of the CORS.

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