According to the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Eva

According to the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation [5], stakeholders should be identified (Standard U1) and their views should be taken into account (Standard F2). selleck catalog This is consistent with the framework of utilization-focused evaluation [6], which posited that relevant stakeholders should also be involved in the evaluation process. From the interpretive and constructivist perspectives, as the reality is fluid, it is important to look at the experiences of different stakeholders. Politically and practically speaking, collecting views from the program implementers can definitely give a more balanced view about the program effect and thereby facilitate the program implementation process.Second, as program implementers are usually more experienced than the clients, it can be argued that their views may be more ��accurate�� than those of the clients.

For example, in adolescent prevention programs, it is common to ask the program participants and workers regarding their perceptions of the program design, objectives, and rationales. It seems that the program implementers in this context possess better skills and experience in judging the quality of the program designed. Similarly, with their professional training and experience, workers will be in a better position to assess the effectiveness of the program and they can view the program from a deeper perspective.Third, it can be argued that subjective outcome evaluation based on the perspective of the worker would facilitate reflective practice.

Osterman and Kottkamp [7] noted that professionals’ needs and desires for feedback about their own performance and personal reflections can lead to professional growth and development. Similarly, Taggart and Wilson [8] highlighted the role of reflective practice in teaching. Because reflective practice has become more critical in different disciplines, such as education and social work, the practice of subjective outcome evaluation can help professionals to reflect on the program they delivered and to assess their input and quality of the implementation. In short, subjective outcome evaluation based on the perspective of the workers can facilitate reflective practice among program implementers.Fourth, the inclusion of subjective outcome evaluation based on the worker’s perspective can give them a sense of fairness, which is an important determinant of the morale of the workers.

Obviously, if only the program participants are asked to assess the program implementers, the workers may think the evaluation AV-951 is rather unfair because only the voices of the program participants are heard. Furthermore, when the workers are invited to express their views and thoughts freely, they will feel more respected and less likely to view themselves as the victims of consumerism.

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