As many who were available within the period of the study, and co

As many who were available within the period of the study, and consented, were included in the study. A total of 393 available and consenting medical students consisting

of 181 fee-paying and 212 non-fee paying students were recruited into the study. Participants were asked to complete a 15 minute survey questionnaire consisting of closed and open ended questions designed to elicit information including socio-demographic information, educational sponsorship and migration intentions among others. The survey and protocol were reviewed and approved by the University of Cape Coast, School of Medical Sciences. Approval was also sought from the Deans of the various medical schools before the commencement of the study. The data was entered using SPSS software and exported to STATA for further processing and analysis. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the background characteristics

of the sample and the relationship between each background Y 27632 characteristic and the migration intentions of the medical students. The two main hypotheses for the study were tested using binary logistic regression, since each dependent variable of interest was constructed as a binary outcome. The dependent variable for the PLX3397 first hypothesis was derived from the question “Do you intend migrating outside of the county after medical school?” Those who responded “Yes” were coded 1 and 0 otherwise. In a similar manner, the dependent variable of interest for the second hypothesis was derived from the question “Does your payment status make you feel you owe allegiance to the government of Ghana?”

All “Yes” responses were coded as 0 while “No” responses were coded 1. Two successive logistic regression models Metalloexopeptidase were run in order to test each hypothesis while controlling for the effect of other mediators. The Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test was used to test the fitness of the data for each model. Results Background characteristics of respondents The mean age for the sample was 23.3± 2.2and 24.6 ± 3.6 for men and women respectively. As shown in Table 1, majority of participants were younger than 25 years, with a greater proportion of men (74%) compared with women (71%). Table 1 Background characteristics of respondents The majority of the respondents (95%, men and 88%, women) were single, whilst a greater proportion consisted of men from UGMS (33%) and women from KNUST (30%). Level 400students dominated the sample (38.9%) followed by those in level 600 (32.5%). A little over half of the participants (53.9%) were non-fee paying students while the others were fee-paying. While men constituted the majority (56%) among the non-fee paying students, women (49%) dominated the fee-paying students. Parents were the major sponsors of the medical students in the survey, with a greater proportion of women (87%) being sponsored by their parents compared with men (78%).

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