Furthermore, fatty acid binding proteins have been isolated from the hemocytes of the crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus and the prawn protein inhibitors Penaeus monodon. The moult cycle related changes to the expression of fatty acid binding protein, demonstrated here, may facilitate the deposition of lipids in the cuticle of crustaceans. Conclusions Tracing the temporal expression patterns of genes involved in the crustacean moult cycle provides a plat form for gaining a greater understanding of gene func tion, interaction, and regulation with respect to the moulting process. The expression data presented here provide a chronological depiction of the molecular events associated with the biological changes occurring during the crustacean moult cycle.
Transcripts associated with energy production, such as mitochondrial and ribosomal genes, increased in expres sion as the moult cycle progressed. ATP synthase cata lyses the synthesis of ATP via a proton gradient gener ated by cytochrome oxidases and NADH dehydrogenase which are the proton translocating enzymes of the mito chondria. Arginine kinase and fumerase are also involved in cell metabolism and energy production, where arginine kinase plays a role in the maintenance of ATP levels in cells with fluctuating energy requirements, while fumarase is a catalyst in the Krebs Cycle and has also been associated with growth and development. Here we find an increase in these metabolic transcripts across consecutive stages of the moult cycle with a peak in pre moult.
This may reflect greater physical and or biological activity in the animals in comparison to their relative sedentary state after moulting occurs, and also greater metabolic demands due to animal growth and new cuticle formation. A number of genes likely to play an important role in the formation and hardening of the crustacean exoskele ton, such as cuticle proteins, PO activators, lectins, fatty acid binding proteins and members of the hemocyanin family, have been identified by virtue of protein domain annotation and differential gene expression data. These genes display expression profiles specific to function across the moult cycle. Temporal variation in expression has even been observed between individual cuticular protein transcripts containing the same protein domains.
This suggests a dif ference in functionality for each gene, indicating that transcripts from a similar group may play a distinct and different role in the formation of the crustacean Entinostat exoskeleton. Glycosylation of cuticular proteins in the crustacean exoskeleton has been implicated in the regulation of cuticle calcification. The recognition of glycosy lation sites by mannose binding lectins is also involved in the activation of serine proteases, which in turn acti vates the PO cascade.