In order to study the molecular aspect of the formation of this p

In order to study the molecular aspect of the formation of this product we have characterized the structure and function of xlLTA4H. We solved

the structure of xlLTA4H to a resolution of 2.3 angstrom. It is a dimeric structure where each monomer has three domains with the active site in between the domains, similar as to the human structure. An important Selleckchem JNK inhibitor difference between the human and amphibian enzyme is the phenylalanine to tyrosine exchange at position 375. Our studies show that mutating F375 in xlLTA4H to tyrosine abolishes the formation of the LTB4 isomeric product Delta(6)-trans Delta(8)-cis-LTB4. In an attempt to understand how one amino acid exchange leads to a new product profile as seen in the xlLTA4H, we performed a conformer analysis of the triene part of the substrate LTA4. Our results show that the Boltzmann distribution of substrate conformers correlates with the observed distribution of products. We suggest that the observed difference in product profile between the human and the xlLTA4H arises from different level of discrimination

between substrate LTA4 conformers. (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V.”
“The objective of this study was to compare the prognosis and complications between selective neck dissection (SND) and comprehensive neck dissection (CND) for patients with a pathologically node-positive neck in squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue and the floor of the mouth. This was a retrospective cohort study. There was no significant difference between the SND group ERK inhibitor mouse and the CND group in 3-year neck control rate (86.2% vs. 85.9%, P = 0.797) or disease-specific survival (DSS) rate (64.6% vs. 61.9%, P = 0.646). Further analyses of the respective 3-year DSS rates in the SND and CND subgroups were as follows: pN1 without extracapsular spread (ECS), 67.7% vs. 72.2%, P = 0.851; pN2b without ECS, 64.7% vs. 68.8%, P = 0.797; and pN+ with ECS, 57.1% vs. 60.0%, P = 0.939. Of note,

there were significantly fewer complications in the SND group compared with the CND group (7.3% vs. 20.0%, P = 0.032). Multivariate analysis showed that the modality of neck treatment, pN+ status, and microscopic ECS did not serve as independent prognostic factors. SND plus adjuvant radiotherapy is a management strategy of high efficiency and minor morbidity for selected oral cancer patients with a pN+ neck with or without microscopic ECS.”
“Purpose: To determine the socioeconomic impact of long-term glaucoma therapy. Materials and Methods: One hundred and fifty consecutive glaucoma patients on medical therapy, following up at our glaucoma service for at least 6 months were recruited. A questionnaire regarding monthly income, cost of glaucoma medications prescribed, availability of medications, travel time, time spent in review clinics, compliance, education status, medical insurance and systemic or local side-effects was administered.

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