Managing floodplain and coastal wet grasslands for wildlife

Managing floodplain and coastal wet grasslands for wildlife.

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“Introduction Penang Hill or Bukit Bendera as it is known in Malay, is located in Penang Island. It consists of a few peaks, the Western Hill which is the highest peak of 833 m (2,723 ft) above sea level, Bukit

Laksamana, Tiger Hill, Government Hill, and Flagstaff Hill, the second highest peak of 735 m (2,450 ft). This hill system is mainly made up of hilly granitic mass with most of the hills being more than 700 m high. It has a cooler climate with temperatures mTOR inhibitor ranging from 20 to 27°C and a mean minimum temperature below 21°C. It is an ideal retreat place both for the locals as well as for foreign JNJ-64619178 molecular weight tourists. Botanical studies have started ever since the British arrived in Penang, as early as in the 1790s. Many local plants were identified, and new plants from elsewhere were introduced and planted in Penang for commercial purposes. Many plant specimens were collected by foreign botanists and sent back to their respective countries as herbarium specimens and living collections (Burkill 1966).

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