Recall these
selleck chemicals were all originally fresh beef and horse samples used in the Lab 2 Training Set, but were then frozen, stored and thawed to become Test Set 1. A single beef data point lies just outside the ellipse. This represents a Type I error, the rejection of an authentic sample. No horse data points appear inside the ellipse, meaning that there are no Type II errors. From this we conclude that freeze-thawing samples does not impact on the model’s capacity to group samples as authentic beef or ‘non-authentic’. Fig. 5(c) and (d) show the outcome for Test Set 2 samples (see Table 1), for beef and horse, respectively. Panel (c) shows combined data from both labs from a collection of new, independent beef samples, all analysed as fresh samples. From a total of 91 beef data points, just one lies outside the boundary, constituting a single Type I error. Therefore, of the new extracts presented
to the model, all but one are correctly classified as ‘authentic’. Panel (d) shows the outcome of challenging the method with new, independent horse samples; this includes both fresh and freeze-thawed meats (6 independent samples corresponding to 16 extracts in total). All are correctly classified as non-authentic, that is, there are no type II errors. We note in passing that the 5 clusters each containing 3 points in close juxtaposition in Fig. 5(d) correspond to 5 independent samples, where each sample had been
used to produce 3 replicate extractions. ABT-199 in vitro This gives an impression of the technical repeatability of the Fenbendazole methodology, and implies that the variance shown by the dataset as a whole is due mainly to variation across meat samples and not to experimental sampling, extraction or data processing issues. In this work we have demonstrated that 60 MHz 1H NMR is able to differentiate between beef and horse meat by exploiting the differences in their triglyceride compositions. A simple, cheap and fast chloroform-based extraction protocol was shown to yield classic low-field NMR triglyceride spectra, with no more than a 10 minute spectral acquisition time required for all but the leanest samples. Three signals (bis-allylic, olefinic and the terminal CH3 peak) were particularly useful in characterising differences between horse and beef meat. Using these three signals, training samples were used to model the ‘authentic’ (beef) group. Applying the model to 107 extracts prepared from new, completely independent samples resulted in all but one being correctly authenticated. A primary goal in the development of the methodology has been to ensure that it is readily transferable into an industrial setting, and this has influenced certain aspects of the experimental designs.