This tree was inferred from 1,401 aligned characters using the Mi

This tree was inferred from 1,401 aligned characters using the Minimum Evolution criterion [5] and rooted using … C. clariflavum DSM 19732 is anaerobic, chemoorganotrophic and grows in straight or slightly curved rods [Figure 2]. This organism can ferment cellulose and cellobiose as sole carbon sources, but cannot utilize glucose, xylose or arabinose Vorinostat side effects [2]. Aesculin hydrolysis is positive, but no starch, casein or gelatin hydrolysis has been observed [2]. Nitrate is not reduced to nitrite, and catalase production was negative [2]. Figure 2 Scanning electron micrograph of C. clariflavum DSM 19732. Chemotaxonomy The fatty acid profile of C. clariflavum was analyzed by Shiratori et al [2]. The most prominent cellular acids of C. clariflavum DSM 19732 were iso-C16:0 iso (23.7%), C16:0 (20.

4%) and CDMA-16:0 (16.5%), which is consistent with the general observation of other Gram-positive, spore-forming, low-G+C thermophilic bacteria [Table 1]. Polar lipids have not been studied for this organism. Table 1 Classification and general features of Clostridium clariflavum DSM 19732 according to the MIGS recommendations [8] Genome sequencing and annotation Genome project history The genome was selected based on the ability of Clostridium clariflavum DSM 19732 to grow on cellulose at thermophilic temperatures like its close relative C. thermocellum and the ability of environmental strains identified as C. clariflavum to utilize hemicellulose. A summary of the project information is presented in Table 2. The complete genome sequence was finished in July 2011.

The GenBank accession number for the project is “type”:”entrez-nucleotide”,”attrs”:”text”:”CP003065″,”term_id”:”359823987″,”term_text”:”CP003065″CP003065. The genome project is listed in the Genome OnLine Database (GOLD) [21] as project Gi10738. Sequencing was carried out at the DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI). Finishing was performed by JGI-Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). Annotation and annotation quality assurance were carried out by the JGI. Table 2 Project information Growth conditions and DNA isolation Clostridium clariflavum DSM 19732 was obtained from the DSMZ culture collection and grown on medium DSM 520 at 55oC. Genomic DNA was obtained by using a phenol-chloroform extraction protocol with CTAB, a JGI standard operating procedure [22].

Genome sequencing and assembly The draft genome of Clostridium clariflavum DSM 19732 was generated at the DOE Joint genome Institute Batimastat (JGI) using a combination of Illumina [23] and 454 technologies [24]. For this genome, we constructed and sequenced an Illumina GAii shotgun library which generated 44,772,666 reads totaling 3,402.7 Mb, a 454 Titanium standard library which generated 434,166 reads and 1 paired end 454 library with an average insert size of 9 kb which generated 392,711 reads totaling 223.

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