[23, 24]. This means that magnetron sputtering approach allows deposition of the materials with the same stoichiometry as initial Silmitasertib cell line target. Figure 1 Refractive index variation for Si-rich Al 2 O 3 , pure amorphous Si, and Al 2
O 3 films. (a) Refractive index variation for pure amorphous Si and Al2O3 films as well as Si-rich-Al2O3 samples with different Si content, x = 0.50 (1), 0.22 (2), and 0.05 (3). (b) Simulated variation of the refractive index, n, taken at 2 eV, versus Si content (x) in Si-rich Al2O3 (solid line). The circle symbols of this curve represent experimental n values, used HKI-272 cell line for estimation of the x values. As for Si-rich Al2O3 films grown from both targets, their dispersion curves are found to be between the curves corresponded to pure Al2O3 and amorphous silicon. They demonstrate gradual shift toward the dependence for amorphous selleck inhibitor Si with Si content increase (Figure 1a). This means that the film can be considered rather as a mixture of Al2O3 and Si (or SiO x with x < 1), then a mixture of Al2O3 with SiO2 similar to the case described for Si-rich HfO2 films [20]. All the films were found to be amorphous as confirmed by Raman scattering and XRD data (see below). Thus, hereafter, we consider our Si-rich Al2O3 film as an effective medium, which macroscopic properties are determined by the relative fractions of Si and Al2O3, i.e., Si x (Al2O3)1−x . To predict the variation of refractive index n versus x,
the Bruggeman effective medium approximation was used based on the approach described in [25]. In this case, the variation of dielectric function (i.e.,
refractive index) is defined by the following two equations: (2) (3) where ε i and ν i are the complex optical dielectric function and volume fraction for the ith component, respectively; ν is the effective dielectric function corresponding to the measured value for the film. The results of this simulation are presented for the n taken at 2.0 eV (Figure 1b). The dots on this curve correspond to the experimental n values obtained by fitting of ellipsometry data (taken also at 2.0 eV). This approach allows rough Rucaparib estimation of the x variation along the film length (Figure 1b). Taking into account Eqs. (2) and (3) and the values of corresponding refractive indexes (Figure 1a), the relative fraction of Si phase was found to vary from x ≈ 0.92 (n = 3.22 ± 0.01; Si-rich side) to x ≈ 0.05 (n = 1.73 ± 0.01; Si-poor side) (Figure 1b). It should be noted that for x > 0.7, our films grown from Si and Al2O3 targets can be considered rather as Al2O3-rich Si films than Si-rich alumina. In this regard, hereafter, the samples with x < 0.7 will be only analyzed. Raman scattering spectra As-deposited films Since important information on the structure of amorphous/nanocrystalline silicon can be obtained from its Raman scattering spectra [26, 27], we investigated these spectra for as-deposited and annealed films versus x.