In this respect, behavior associated with immediate reward can be considered the default behavior in general, and thus should require control to be overcome. Consistent with this view, neuroimaging studies of intertemporal choice, beyond those focused on exploration or foraging, suggest that patient behavior (i.e., choices for longer term over immediate reward) rely on neural mechanisms associated with cognitive control ( Figner et al., 2010, McClure et al., 2007 and McClure et al., 2004), including the dACC. In these cases, as in general, the EVC model buy BMN 673 proposes that the role of dACC is to
determine the EVC of the control-demanding behavior, and specify the control signal needed to pursue it. This assumes that it has access to information Enzalutamide about the value of the options in contention that is represented in other structures, such as ventral regions of mPFC ( Floresco et al., 2008, Haber and Knutson, 2010, Prévost
et al., 2010, Rangel and Hare, 2010 and Rushworth et al., 2011). The expected value of a control-demanding behavior depends not only on the reward it promises, but also on the expenditures needed to procure that reward; that is, it depends on the cost of control (Cost(signal) in Equation 1). As reviewed earlier, behavioral evidence supports the idea that the exertion of control is associated with subjective disutility manifest as the avoidance of control-demanding tasks (Kool and Botvinick, 2012; Kool et al., 2010). The EVC model proposes that the dACC registers PIK-5 the costs of control in a manner that is proportional to the intensity of control and that it specifies control signals in a way that is sensitive to such costs. This proposal generates several predictions concerning dACC function and its relation to behavior. First, and most simply, the dACC should be sensitive to demands for control and/or to the intensity of the current control signal.
As reviewed in the preceding sections, there is abundant evidence in support of this prediction. Second, the dACC should encode the exertion of control as costly. Evidence consistent with this idea has come from several recent studies. For example, Botvinick and colleagues (2009a) found that, during performance of a cognitively demanding task, a greater dACC response predicted decreased subsequent responses in nucleus accumbens to monetary reward, interpreted as “payment” for the task. This effect is consistent with cognitive effort discounting; that is, a reduction in the subjective value attached to a reward based on cognitive costs borne to attain it. Other studies have shown that dACC responses to such costs predict subsequent decisions about control. In one, Magno and colleagues (2006) presented participants with a series of attentionally demanding search arrays and, for each array, gave them the choice to identify the presence or absence of a target or to indicate that they would like to forgo the search on that trial.